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9–13 Apr 2018
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Zurich timezone

Development of Silicon Detectors for Tracking and Timing within the RD50 Collaboration

12 Apr 2018, 15:30
P1 Effectenbeurszaal (0.4)

P1 Effectenbeurszaal


Board: 4AMS04A
Common detector Common detector technology


Matteo Centis Vignali (CERN)


This talk summarizes the results and activities of the RD50 collaboration in the development of silicon detectors for hadron colliders. The focus of the collaboration is the improvement of the detectors' radiation hardness, with an emphasis on high-luminosity LHC applications. The radiation damage mechanisms of silicon detectors are introduced, together with the activities to develop models and simulations to describe their effects. Several detector technologies are being studied within the collaboration. Tracking detectors, both monolithic and hybrid, are under development. The hybrid detectors are produced both with planar and 3D sensors, while the monolithic devices are produced using CMOS processes. The status of the radiation hardness of these detectors is summarized. Timing detectors with intrinsic gain are also being developed. A summary of their performance and radiation hardness is given. Finally, the required R&D and a possible R&D roadmap for radiation-hard silicon detectors applications in FCC-hh are discussed.

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