9–13 Apr 2018
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fire safety assessment for FCC

12 Apr 2018, 08:55
P5 Veilingzaal (1.20)

P5 Veilingzaal


Board: 4AMS17B


Oriol Rios Rubiras (CERN)


The fire safety assessment for the FCC tunnel has been carried by means of Performance Based Design (PBD) analysis. Following this methodology, the FCC baseline design was challenged with different accidental fire scenarios representing credible fires in the underground tunnel structure to quantify the effectiveness of the foreseen fire protection measures. The safety goals for Life, Environment, Property Protection and Continuity of Operations in case of a fire event were evaluated linking them to several performance criteria.
In this talk, we will cover an overview of the fire safety assessment process, as well as an introduction to the CFD methods used to quantify the outcome of the accidental scenarios. Finally, we will present the conclusions on the safety measures required to fulfil the stablished safety objectives.

Primary author


Presentation materials