Steffen Kloeppel
(TU Dresden)
The mixed refrigerant turbo Brayton cycle with neon and helium was initially designed to cool the beam screens of the FCC in a temperature range from 40 K to 60 K. The current cryogenic design of this cycle for the FCC-hh can use refrigeration above 25 K for other purposes as well, e.g. for the cool-down of the magnets, thus saving large amounts of LN2 required otherwise, or transient operation which occurs during the beam cycles. These operations force a considerable load change to the Nelium cycle. This presentation covers strategies for both scenarios. Furthermore, the acquisition of the cost intensive neon is covered.
Steffen Kloeppel
(TU Dresden)
Christoph Haberstroh
(TU Dresden)
Hans Quack
(TU Dresden)