9–13 Apr 2018
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Zurich timezone

Results from Radiation Protection Studies

11 Apr 2018, 16:35
P4 Berlage zaal (1.9)

P4 Berlage zaal


Board: 3AMS16D


Markus Widorski (CERN)


The studies for the Future Circular Collider have converged to a baseline layout and to technical concepts, as the foundation for the conceptual design report. Radiation Protection studies have accompanied the definitions of the civil engineering layout and engineering choices in the different parts of the FCC study. We will present the results of the studies performed for the radiation protection assessment and the recommendations to be included in the conceptual design report. We will summarise the challenges and raise awareness of accelerator and experiment designers for radiation protection and optimisation requirements for the next stages of the project.



Presentation materials