Apr 9 – 13, 2018
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Zurich timezone


Some hotels have been selected for the FCC Week 2018. These offers are valid until 4th April.

Participants can access the selection from the following link and can book their accommodation and pay by their own credit card: ACCOMMODATION

Information about general terms and conditions: PDF

For questions about your hotel reservation please contact the Beurs Conference Services department; +31(0)20 531 33 37 or services@beursvanberlage.com



Please be aware that there is a scam relating to hotel reservations for FCC week 2018. Some participants have been contacted by phone (no. +44 125 367 58 34) by someone stating that they represent the ‘travel agency from FCC week’ and offering to change the participant’s hotel booking to a cheaper one. They ask for information regarding the hotel booking and to pay for the new reservation through paypal.

Please note that such a travel agency does not exist. No travel agency has been mandated to manage or support the management of hotel reservations for the FCC Week 2018 for the participants. The only website to book a hotel for the conference which is endorsed by the FCC week organizers is the one listed on this page: https://beursvanberlage.b-com.hosting/CommunityPortal/Registration/FCCWEEK201.aspx?registrantID=69602c6a-1e5f-44d6-81a2-d3145f55dfd4. We cannot guarantee any other hotel booking sites or sources.

If you have any questions regarding your booking through the website listed on this page, you can contact: services@beursvanberlage.com

For any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the conference secretariat.