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27–31 Aug 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Zurich timezone

SHERPA: where we are and what's next

27 Aug 2018, 15:30
POT/151 (TU Dresden)


TU Dresden
Monte Carlo and Resummation Monte Carlo and resummation


Enrico Bothmann (University of Edinburgh)


In this status report on the multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator Sherpa
I review recent and ongoing Sherpa studies, as well as the latest
developments of its fixed-order and all-order technologies. Fixed-order
improvements I discuss include fully automated EW corrections and support
for additional loop-induced processes. On the all-order side I cover
Sherpa's parton showers and the recent work on including NLO splitting
kernels, studying the accuracy of the showers and their on-the-fly reweighting
in state-of-the-art simulations.

Primary author

Enrico Bothmann (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials