27–31 Aug 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Zurich timezone

Resummation of Non-global Logarithms in Effective Field Theory

30 Aug 2018, 17:36
POT/151 (TU Dresden)


TU Dresden

Monte Carlo and Resummation Monte Carlo and resummation


Dr Dingyu Shao (CERN)


Starting from a factorization theorem in effective field theory, we derive a parton-shower equation for the resummation of non-global logarithms. We have implemented this shower and interfaced it with a tree-level event generator to obtain an automated framework to resum the leading logarithm of non-global observables in the large-Nc limit. Using this setup, we compute gap fractions for dijet processes and isolation cone cross sections relevant for photon production. We compare our results with fixed-order computations and LHC measurements. We find that naive exponentiation is often not adequate, especially when the vetoed region is small since non-global contributions are enhanced due to their dependence on the veto-region size.


Dr Dingyu Shao (CERN)

Presentation materials