Andreas Maier
(Durham University)
The weak boson fusion contribution to Higgs boson production is enhanced significantly by requiring a large invariant mass and rapidity separation between the associated jets. This induces large logarithmic corrections in the prediction for the gluon-fusion background, which are incorporated to all orders within the High Energy Jets (HEJ) formalism. We present HEJ predictions for the gluon-fusion production of a Higgs boson in association with at least two jets, matched to fixed-order predictions at leading and next-to-leading order and including corrections due to finite top and bottom quark masses.
Jeppe Rosenkrantz Andersen
(IPPP, University of Durham (UK))
Marian Heil
(IPPP, Durham University)
Andreas Maier
(Durham University)
Jennifer Smillie
(Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edin. U.)