2–7 Jan 2018
Skeikampen, Norway
Europe/Oslo timezone

Dynamical vs. geometric anisotropy in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

3 Jan 2018, 18:30
Skeikampen, Norway

Skeikampen, Norway

Hotellvegen 3, 2652 Svingvoll, Norway
Contributed talk Heavy Ion physics Wednesday PM


Larisa Bravina (University of Oslo (NO)) Evgeny Zabrodin (Universiyu of Oslo)


We study the influence of geometric and dynamical anisotropies on the development of flow harmonics and, simultaneously, on the second- and third-order oscillations of femtoscopy radii. The analysis is done within the Monte Carlo event generator HYDJET++, which was extended to dynamical triangular deformations. It is shown that the merely geometric anisotropy provides the results which anticorrelate with the experimental observations of either (or ) or second-order (or third-order) oscillations of the femtoscopy radii. Decays of resonances significantly increase the emitting areas but do not change the phases of the radii oscillations. In contrast to the spatial deformations, the dynamical anisotropy alone provides the correct qualitative description of the flow and the femtoscopy observables simultaneously. However, one needs both types of the anisotropy to match quantitatively the experimental data.


Larisa Bravina (University of Oslo (NO))

Presentation materials