Jan 2 – 7, 2018
Skeikampen, Norway
Europe/Oslo timezone

Travel and accommodation

Travel Arrangements

Bus transport is arranged from/to Oslo Airport Gardermoen on Tuesday January 2 and Sunday January 7, 2018. There will be three buses seating 50-55 people each, leaving at 9:30am, 2pm and 5pm. Please indicate in your registration as to which bus you would like to take. When you arrive at Gardermoen, please go to the Oslo Bussekpress desk in arrivals, and they will tell you which platform to go to for the bus.

On the Sunday 7th January, both buses leave Skeikampen at 8am and arrive at Gardermoen before noon. Please plan your flights accordingly. You can select which bus you would prefer to take when you register,

We highly recommend that you try to arrive at the airport in time to catch one of the arranged buses. However, if this proves impossible, here are the alternatives:

 - If you arrive after 5pm on the 2nd January (or you plan to arrive on a later day), you will need to take a train from Oslo Lufhavn (the airport station) to Lillehammer. Please see nsb.no for timetables. To get to Skeikampen, you will then need to take a public bus - the relevant timetable from Lillehammer to Skeikampen can be found here: https://www.opplandstrafikk.no/Handlers/fh.ashx?MId1=377&FilId=5279. Note that there are no buses from Lillehammer to Skeikampen after 4:15pm.  So, those who arrive too late will either have to stay in Oslo until the day after or arrange their own taxi.

 - If you arrive in Oslo on the 1st of January there are many hotels in the city centre and also a hotel next to the airport (https://www.radissonblu.com/en). Oslo centre can be reached from the airport via the airport train (Flytoget): http://flytoget.no



The prices for accommodation, including all meals, are 695 NOK per person per night in a double shared room and 845 NOK per person per night in a single room.  For kids under 12 years old the price is 390 NOK. Also family rooms are available.

There will be Buffet for both lunch and dinner.

Rooms reserved for the conference guests should be booked by the participants at  skeikampen.resepsjon@olavthon.no (0047 61285000) mentioning the reference code 25128240. A contact person will soon be assigned to us. The hotel homepage is http://www.thonhotels.com/hotels/countrys/norway/skeikampen/thon-hotel-skeikampen/. Currently we have reserved for 80 people: 25 rooms (double occupancy) and 30 rooms (single occupancy). Please book your room as soon as possible, in any case by 1 December 2017. The special offer above cannot be guaranteed further. First come first served.