Thursday AM: Recent results from the LHC (II)
- Anna Lipniacka (University of Bergen (NO))
Thursday AM: Dark Matter - theoretical overview
- Anna Lipniacka (University of Bergen (NO))
Thursday AM: Straight to the point
- Anna Lipniacka (University of Bergen (NO))
Kai Ronald Schmidt-Hoberg
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
04/01/2018, 09:15
Dark Matter and Dark Sector
Dark matter - theoretical overview
Anders Kvellestad
04/01/2018, 10:00
Particle physics - theory
Contributed talk
I will introduce the recently released software package the Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool (GAMBIT), focusing on the core features of GAMBIT and highlighting its collider physics module, ColliderBit. I will also briefly discuss some ongoing work within the GAMBIT collaboration, both in terms of software extensions and physics analyses.