Oct 12 – 14, 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
LHC Experiments and World LCG Resources Review Boards

Attendance at the RRB meetings is restricted, and Funding Agencies' representatives are requested to announce their participation by filling out the Registration Form.

More information: RRBs webpage

Visits to LHC experiments:

- Tuesday, 11:30 to 12:30 ALICE Visit. Please contact ulla.tihinen@cern.ch if you are interested.
- Tuesday, 15.45 to 17:00 LHCb Visit. Please contact nathalie.grub@cern.ch if you are interested.
- Tuesday, 15:45 to 17:30 CMS visit (bus departure from CERN). Please contact kirsti.aspola@cern.ch if you are interested.