Aims of the workshop
- Take stock of the requirements from physics;
- Check that the questions are all clear and well posed;
- Describe baseline running scheme, look for show-stoppers;
- Establish performance in terms of possible frequency of measurements and precision;
- Create tables of parametres for wigglers, polarimeter, depolarizing kicker;
- Systematics between resonance and beam energy, center of mass energy etc…
- large work!
- go back to LEPI tables and study extrapolation
- establish additional instrumentation and measurements
- establish need and,eventually, solution for supplementary monitoring.
- NMR, Spectrometer, Möller scat., additional measurement in the polarimeter etc..
- RF phase measurements, saw-toothing etc…
- energy spread/bunch length measurements
- other effects (interferences with resonances etc…)
- Produce draft 0 of write-up for CDR