Dec 10 – 14, 2018
Academia Sinica, Taipei
Asia/Taipei timezone


Invited speakers please login this Indico to upload your presentation (find your link e.g. on the Speaker List).

The workshop proceedings will be published in a special issue of JINST. Each speaker should submit a contribution of up to 8 pages for oral, and up to 5 pages for poster presentations. Instruction for preparation and submission is available at, Paper submission deadline is Feb. 10, 2019.  

The 9th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, PIXEL2018,  will be held on  December 10 - 14, 2018 
at the Activity Center of Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

The workshop will cover various topics related to pixel detector technology. Development and applications will be discussed for charged particle tracking in High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, and X-ray imaging in Astronomy, Biology, Medicine and Material Science. The conference program will also include reports on front and back end electronics, radiation effects, low mass mechanics and construction techniques, and new technologies such as monolithic and 3D integrated detectors. All sessions will be plenary. Talks will be chosen from abstracts submitted.

Academia Sinica, Taipei
Activity Center
128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
International Advisory Committee:
Gabriella Carini (BNL)
Peter Denes (LBNL)
Bart Dierickx (Caeleste)
Lars Furenlid (U. Arizona)
Roland Horisberger (PSI)
Harris Kagan (OSU)
Hans-Günther Moser (MPP)
Leonardo Rossi (INFN, Genova)
Walter Snoeys (CERN)
Tadayuki Takahashi (U. Tokyo)
Yoshinobu Unno (KEK)
Norbert Wermes (U. Bonn)
   Local Organizers:
Yuan-Hann Chang (NCU)
Suen Hou (Chair, AS)
Shih-Chang Lee (AS)
Chia-Ming Kuo (NCU)
Stathes Paganis (NTU)
Yi Yang (NCKU)  
   Previous workshops:
PIXEL2016, Sestri Levante, Italy
PIXEL2014, Niagara Falls, Canada
PIXEL2012, Inawashiro, Japan
PIXEL2010, Grindelwald, Switzerland
PIXEL2008, Batavia, U.S.A.
PIXEL2005, Bonn, Germany
PIXEL2002, Carmel, U.S.A.
PIXEL2000, Genoa, Italy