Electrical outlet
Plug Type C – used in Europe with the exception of the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and Switzerland
Exchange office
The official currency of the Czech Republic is Czech crown (CZK). The current exchange rate for 1 EUR is between 25 and 26 CZK. Unfortunately, it is quite common that an exchange office tries to defraud their clients, especially tourists. They sometimes present different exchange rate on screens (25 CZK / 1 EUR) than they actually give you on the bill (15 CZK / 1 EUR). Moreover, they sometimes give you Belarusian ruble insted of Czech crowns since they are quite similiar in colour but a real value is much lower. Therefore, we recommend either to use ATM or to visit an exchange office with a czech accompanist.
Public transport
The public transport in Prague is really convenient. You can choose from underground, trams or buses. The underground has 3 lines (A - green, B - yellow, C - red) and three junctions between them (Muzeum A-C, Florenc B-C, Můstek A-B). Night public transport is ensured by night trams and buses during the whole night. The underground works only from 5:00 to 24:00. You can buy tickets in ticket vending machines, by SMS or in tobacconists and wholesalers. Among others, there are 30 min ticket for 24 CZK (0.96 EUR), 90 min ticket for 32 CZK (1.28 EUR), one day ticket for 110 CZK (4.4 EUR) or 3 days ticket for 310 CZK (12.4 EUR).
Emergency numbers
112 – universal emergency number
150 – fire brigade
155 – rescue/ambulance
156 – metropolitan police
158 – police
Important contacts for organizers
Josef Nový – +420 736 125 495
Ondřej Šubrt – +420 728 865 252
Jan Hrušovský – +420 725 471 712