DAQ: Near future
- Martin Bodlak (Charles University (CZ))
DAQ: Beyond 2020
- Ondrej Subrt (Czech Technical University (CZ))
DAQ: Until 2020
- Ondrej Subrt (Czech Technical University (CZ))
The preliminary schedule of DAQ changes before the Run 2018 has been already discussed and accepted. There are prepared two major interventions. The current DAQ is limited to event size up to 512 KB. First intervention gets rid of such event size restriction and provides with more general DAQ. Second intervention takes into account the integration of cross-point switch. It considers all...
Having a graphical-only user interface to the DAQ has proven problematic in two matters: remote access and run control automation. This talk will address the current status of the command-line interface and describe how it solves these problems, including the “script mode“ feature introduced earlier this year. A short workshop session on how to write scripts against this interface will also...
In our contribution, we present several tools that simplify work with data taking shifts at COMPASSS experiment at CERN. At first, we introduce online shift reservation tool. Administrator (or year coordinator) can use the tool to define list of shift for given data taking period. Members of the experiment use the tool to sign in for shifts according to their preferences. The tool...