15–21 Apr 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Organising team

Lectures contacts

Giulia Zanderighi -- is a professor of particle physics in Oxford univeristy and is working on fixed order perturbative QCD calculations for multi-particle processes, on all orders resummations of logarithmic enhanced contributions, on the physics of jets and event shapes, on unstable particles using an effective theory description, on heavy flavour production, on Higgs and electroweak physics.

Eilam Gross -- staff scientist at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, is a member of the ATLAS collaboration and as been working on Higgs physics for over 20 years. He was head of the ATLAS statistics forum and convenor of the Higgs group at the time of the Higgs Boson discovery. Subsequently he led the efforts to combine Higgs measurement of ATLAS and CMS (LHCHCG).

André David -- is staff scientist a CERN. After working on the NA60 experiment, he joined the CMS collaboration where he led the commissioning of the ECAL detector. He then became one of the main players in the Higgs boson discovery and characterisation, as he coordinated the Higgs boson analyses for the CMS experiment and participated to its mass measurement in combination with the ATLAS detector data.

Organizing Committee