Michel Guidal - Welcome
Gerard Mourou - IZEST Fall Meeting - Ultra High Intensity : New Horizons
Bruno Le Garrec - Design update and recent results of the Apollon 10 PW facility
Leo Gizzi - EuPRAXIA : A Viable Laser Driver for Plasma Acceleration
Dan Stutman - New medical research directions with High Power Lasers at ELI-NP
Henri Pepin - Pulsed high-brightness neutrons delivered by multiple PW lasers for neutrons interactions investigations
Jean-Christophe Chanteloup - XCAN a Coherent Beam Combination laser project
Sylvain David - External neutrons sources for fission-based reactors
Christophe Bonnal - Sustainable activities in space : Space debris problematic in a nutshell
Franck Brottier - Extreme Light Infrastructure socio-economic impact assessement
Damien Giolito - Management of Space Objects
Ales Necas - Fusion-triggered Liquid-phase Transmutator Monitored and Controlled Realtime by CAN Laser and Gamma - Part I
Toshiki Tajima - Fusion-triggered Liquid-phase Transmutator Monitored and Controlled Realtime by CAN Laser and Gamma - Part II