14–18 May 2018
University of Wisconsin-Madison
America/Chicago timezone

Operating a large scale distributed XRootd cache across Caltech and UCSD

16 May 2018, 11:10
Chamberlin Hall (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Chamberlin Hall

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, USA 43°4'25.8024''N 89°24'18.7776''W 43.073834, -89.405216
Storage & Filesystems Storage and file systems


Edgar Fajardo Hernandez (Univ. of California San Diego (US))


After the successful adoption of the CMS Federation an opportunity arose to cache xrootd requests in Southern California. We present the operational challenges and the lessons learned from scaling a federated cache (a cache composed of several independent nodes) first at UCSD and the scaling and network challenges to augment it to include the Caltech Tier 2 Site. In which would be a first of a kind multisite Xrootd cache which could potentially ease the data management of CMS.

Desired length 20 minutes


Edgar Fajardo Hernandez (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Matevz Tadel (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Alja Mrak Tadel (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Terrence Martin Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD)

Presentation materials