Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–18 May 2018
University of Wisconsin-Madison
America/Chicago timezone

Workshop chairs and organisers

Workshop chairs and organisers

HEPiX co-chairs

Helge Meinhard / CERN

Tony Wong / BNL

Local organisers

Allyson Miller

Ajit Mohapatra

Corentine Kinzley

Dan Bradley

Sridhara Dasu

Todd Tannenbaum

Track conveners

Track Conveners
Site reports

Michele Michelotto / INFN

Sébastien Gadrat / IN2P3-CC

Security, networking

David Kelsey / STFC

Shawn McKee / U Michigan

Storage, file systems

Peter van der Reest / DESY

Ofer Rind / BNL

Clouds, virtualisation, grids

Ian Collier / STFC

Brian Bockelman / U Nebraska

Computing, batch systems

Manfred Alef / KIT

Michel Jouvin / LAL Orsay

IT facilities

Wayne Salter / CERN

Peter Gronbech / U Oxford

End-user services, operating systems

Sandy Philpott / Jefferson lab

Andreas Haupt / DESY

Basic IT services

Jingyan Shi / IHEP Beijing

Mattias Wadenstein / U Umea