Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–18 May 2018
University of Wisconsin-Madison
America/Chicago timezone

Recent status of KEK network

15 May 2018, 14:20
Chamberlin Hall (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Chamberlin Hall

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, USA 43°4'25.8024''N 89°24'18.7776''W 43.073834, -89.405216
Networking & Security Networking and security


Soh Suzuki


The Belle II detector is already taking data by cosmic ray test and is about to record data by beam. The importance of the network connectivity becomes higher than all other experiments in KEK. It is not only for the data transfer but also for researchers who are watching the condition of detectors from off sites.
We will report the present status of the campus network and the upgrade plan in this summer.

Desired length 15minutes

Primary authors

Soh Suzuki Tadashi Murakami (KEK) Tomoaki Nakamura (KEK) Fukuko YUASA (KEK) Mr Teiji Nakamura (KEK) Mr Kiyoharu Hashimoto (KEK) Atsushi Manabe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))

Presentation materials