CERN runs a private OpenStack Cloud with ~300K cores, ~3000 users and a number of OpenStack services. CERN users can built services using a pool of compute and storage resources using the OpenStack APIs like Ironic, Nova, Magnum, Cinder and Manila, on the other hand CERN cloud operators face some operational challenges at scale in order to offer them. In this talk, you will learn about the...
The Helix Nebula Science Cloud (HNSciCloud) Horizon 2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement project ( brings together a group of 10 research organisations to procure innovative cloud services from commercial providers to establish a cloud platform for the European research community.
This 3 year project has recently entered its final phase which will deploy two pilots with a...
Virtual machines is the technology that formed the modern clouds - private and public - however the physical machine are back in a more cloudy way. Cloud providers are offering APIs for baremetal server provisioning on demand and users are leveraging containers for isolation and reproducible deployments. In this talk, I will be presenting one of the newest services at the CERN cloud, Ironic,...
As our OpenStack cloud enters full production, we give an overview of the design and how it leverages the RAL Tier 1 infrastructure & support. We also present some of teh new use cases and science being enabled by the cloud platform.
We are seeing an increasingly wide variety of uses being made of Hybrid Cloud (and Grid!) computing technologies at STFC, this talk will focus on the services being delivered to end users and novel integrations with existing local compute and data infrastructure.
Cloud computing enables flexible resource provisioning on demand. Through the collaboration with National Institute of Informatics (NII) Japan, we have been integrating our local batch job system with clouds for expanding its computing resource and providing heterogeneous clusters dynamically. In this talk, we will introduce our hybrid batch job system which can dispatch jobs to provisioned...
Distributed research organizations are faced with wide variation in computing environments to support. LIGO has historically resolved this problem by providing RPM/DEB packages for (pre-)production software and coordination between clusters operated by LIGO-affiliated facilities and research groups. This has been largely successful although it leaves a gap in operating system support and in...