This workshop will be dedicated to electronic issues for upgrades, focusing on subjects where common features or developments are likely. Developments for upgrades for proton-proton and heavy ion running for Phase I and for high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be included.
The following main areas will be covered:
- Front-end electronics developments for Phase I and HL-LHC
- Electronics systems for triggering at Phase I and HL-LHC, including level-1 tracking trigger and the use of modular electronics standards such as xTCA
- Electronics systems for DAQ and DCS at HL-LHC
- High precision timing measurement and clock distribution systems
- Optical and electrical links
- Power distribution and low power design techniques
- IC technologies and radiation hardness issues
- Progress on upgrades for HL-LHC
The oral presentations will be made by invitation. A poster session will be organised for which abstracts will have to be submitted on the indico page. More details can be obtained in contacting a member of the Programme Committee:
- Didier Contardo (LYON)
- Kevin Einsweiler (LBL)
- Philippe Farthouat (CERN)
- Cristina Fernandez (CIEMAT)
- Alex Grillo (UCSC)
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
- Jeroen Hegeman (CERN)
- Oliver Kortner (MPI)
- Francesco Lanni (BNL)
- Alessandro Marchioro (CERN)
- Arno Straessner (DRESDEN)
- Francois Vasey (CERN)
- Administrative assistance provided by Evelyne Dho (CERN)
Registration is free (except for the conference dinner), but participants must register online before