In the next years, the LHC accelerator will be upgraded with an increase of instantaneous and integrated luminosity, but at the same time also the data and the trigger rates will drastically increase. The ATLAS goal is to cope the big amount of data flow and at the same time trying to conserve the high muon efficiency. For this purpose the current innermost stations of the Muon Spectrometer Endcap, the small wheels, will be replaced in the 2019/2020 shutdown witha New Small Wheel (NSW) detector for high luminosity LHC runs. The NSW will feature two new detector technologies: resistive micromegas (MM) will be used as a precision detector while small strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) will provide the trigger.
An overview of the design, construction and assembly procedures of the Micromegas modules will be reported. Results and characterization with cosmic rays will also be presented.