Collectivity in small collision systems a perspective from percolating color sources

5 Jun 2018, 16:00
1h 30m
Library, Centro San Domenico

Library, Centro San Domenico

theoretical Posters session


Irais Bautista Guzman (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))


A description of the phase transition to the formation of a strong interacting color-deconfined state of QCD matter is given by the string percolation model which is base on two-dimensional (2D) continuum percolation of the projection of color fields.The created systems in pp and pA collisions are a non-thermalized system which departs from the thermal equilibrium limit. In the present work, we show the deviation of the thermal equilibrium limit. Moreover, that the effect of the system size plays an important role in these systems being the initial geometry effects relevant, finally consequences on the observables of these effects are presented


Irais Bautista Guzman (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))

Presentation materials