19–20 Apr 2018
Diamond Light Source
Europe/London timezone

Fast Quadrupole Beam Based Alignment Using AC Corrector Excitations

19 Apr 2018, 14:30
G59 (Diamond Light Source)


Diamond Light Source

Diamond House, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Oral Contribution Beam Dynamics and Procedures


Dr Zeus Marti (CELLS-ALBA)


The 10kHz fast acquisition BPMs together with an AC excitation of the corrector magnets allow to speed up the beam based alignment process at ALBA. The former approach relies on software synchronization and tango device servers to execute a series of DC corrector magnets and quadrupoles settings designed to avoid the quadrupole hysteresis effects. The approach that we present here is simpler, gives the same level of accuracy and precision and speeds up the measurement by a factor 30. The total measurement time has changed from 5 hours to 10 minutes.


Dr Zeus Marti (CELLS-ALBA)


Ubaldo Iriso (CELLS-ALBA) Gabriele Benedetti (ALBA-CELLS)

Presentation materials