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19–20 Apr 2018
Diamond Light Source
Europe/London timezone

Experience with Hydrostatic Levelling Systems at Diamond

20 Apr 2018, 13:30
G59 (Diamond Light Source)


Diamond Light Source

Diamond House, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Oral Contribution Greater Context of Stability


Dr Ian Martin (Diamond Light Source)


In this talk we review measurements obtained with a Hydrostatic Levelling System (HLS) at Diamond. Two versions have been installed, the first of which ran along the length of a single beamline, and the second followed the full circumference of the storage ring inside the tunnel. The construction of the Diamond facility, details of the HLS system, results from both systems and experience gained are all discussed.

Primary author

Dr Ian Martin (Diamond Light Source)

Presentation materials