19–20 Apr 2018
Diamond Light Source
Europe/London timezone

High Energy Photon Source BPM digital electronics research

20 Apr 2018, 09:00
G59 (Diamond Light Source)


Diamond Light Source

Diamond House, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Oral Contribution BPM technology


Dr Yufei Ma (IHEP)


Based on the demand of high energy photo source(HEPS), the goal of digital Beam position monitor(BPM) electronics is to develop a high precision beam control and measurement system, which can make the precise measurement of turn-by-turn (TBT) data, fast acquisition(FA) data, Slow acquisition (SA) data and closed orbit data (COD) data.
The hardware architecture of digital BPM includes analog front electronics (AFE) board, digital electronics (DE) board, the data acquisition and display system in computer. The AFE board mainly pick up analog signal from BPM probe, and AFE fed the processed signal to DE board; In DE board, the analog signal is converted to digital signal first, and then, which are processed with special algorithm in FPGA, at last, the results are transferred to back-end computer. My main research direction is digital electronics hardware circuit and firmware programming. Digital electronics hardware circuit design includes the power supply, clock system, ADC, FPGA, network transmission and other module design; The firmware programming includes the functional configuration of each module in the hardware circuit and the algorithm implementation in the FPGA.
Finally, laboratory tests were carried out with input signal of 499.8MHz and -10db,Test results show that the turn by turn position resolution is 2.96 um, fast response position resolution is 0.65 um, and closed orbit position resolution is 0.33 um.The test results also demonstrated, the optimized algorithm which has a good performance on the beam position measurement.


Dr Yufei Ma (IHEP)

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