4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

​Search for Rotational Cross-Correlations in Emergent Space-Time with the Holometer

5 Jul 2018, 11:30
104 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology


Dr Ohkyung Kwon (KAIST)


​We present a new phenomenology for the Fermilab Holometer, a pair of 39m-long, co-located but independent high-power Michelson interferometers. The differential position signals are cross-correlated over a broad frequency band exceeding the inverse light crossing time, attaining sensitivity to both timelike and spacelike correlations across the physical system. The second-generation experiment employs a unique bent-arm configuration to search for rotational correlations associated with the emergence of flat space-time and local inertial frames from a quantum system. A Planck density spectrum in dimensionless strain units is shown to be consistent with causal diamonds of 4-position whose degrees of freedom scale with the holographic information content of black hole event horizons.

A Lorentz invariant framework is constructed to interpret data. Nonlocal entanglements among states in relational space-time are statistically modeled as antisymmetric cross-covariances on past and future light cones between world lines of Planck bandwidth in proper time, motivating a distinctive signature: an imaginary broad-band cross-spectrum that is acausal in standard physics, with a frequency response derived from the optical layout and its causal structure.


Dr Ohkyung Kwon (KAIST) Prof. Craig Hogan (U. Chicago and Fermilab)

Presentation materials