1. Higgs Physics
- Jae Sik Lee (jslee@jnu.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Samira Hassani (samira.hassani@cea.fr)
- Giovanni Petrucciani (giovanni.petrucciani@cern.ch)
- Sarah Heim (sarah.heim@cern.ch)
- Koji Tsumura (ko2@gauge.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
- Nausheen Shah (nausheen.shah@wayne.edu)
2. Neutrino Physics
- Liangjian Wen (wenlj@ihep.ac.cn)
- Seon-Hee Seo (shseo@phya.snu.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Masashi Yokoyama (masashi@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
- Marco Zito (marco.zito@cea.fr)
- Andre de Gouvea (degouvea@northwestern.edu)
- Lindley Winslow (lwinslow@mit.edu)
3. Beyond the Standard Model
- Hyung Do Kim (hdkim@phya.snu.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Bumseok Kyae (bkyae@pusan.ac.kr)
- Matt Reece (mreece@physics.harvard.edu)
- Archil Kobakhidze (archil.kobakhidze@sydney.edu.au)
- Michele Redi (michele.redi@fi.infn.it)
- Monica D'Onofrio (Monica.D'Onofrio@cern.ch)
4. Top Quark and Electroweak Physics
- Jens Erler (erler@fisica.unam.mx)
- Tae Jeong Kim (taekim@hanyang.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Liang Han (hanl@ustc.edu.cn)
- Freya Blekman (Freya.Blekman@vub.be)
5. Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
- M. Nesbitt Rebelo (rebelo@ist.utl.pt)
- Christopher Parkes (chris.parkes@cern.ch)
- Marc-Olivier Bettler (marc-olivier.bettler@cern.ch)
- Angela Papa (angela.papa@psi.ch)
- Phillip Urquijo (phillip.urquijo@unimelb.edu.au)
6. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics
- Mikko Voutilainen (mikko.voutilainen@cern.ch)
- Andreas Juettner (juettner@soton.ac.uk)
- Ralf Seidl (rseidl@ribf.riken.jp)
- Sungtae Cho (sungtae.cho@kangwon.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
7. Heavy Ions
- Gian Michele Innocenti (gian.michele.innocenti@cern.ch)
- Francesca Bellini (Francesca.Bellini@cern.ch)
- Wei Li (wl33@rice.edu)
- Jin-hee Yoon (jinyoon@inha.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
8. Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology
- Andrei Kounine (andrei.kounine@cern.ch)
- Seongchan Park (sc.park@yonsei.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Veronica Bindi (bindi@hawaii.edu)
9. Dark Matter Detection
- Zeynep Demiragli (zdemirag@mit.edu)
- Xiangdong Ji (xdji@sjtu.edu.cn)
- Jonghee Yoo (yoo.jonghee@kaist.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
10. Formal Theory Development
- Piljin Yi (piljin@kias.re.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Chong-Sun Chu (cschu@phys.nthu.edu.tw)
- Satoshi Iso (satoshi.iso@kek.jp)
11. Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities
- Dmitri Denisov (denisovd@fnal.gov)
- Daniel Schulte (Daniel.Schulte@cern.ch)
- Manqi Ruan (ruanmq@ihep.ac.cn)
12. Detector: R&D for present and future facilities
- Gobinda Majumder (gobinda@tifr.res.in)
- Eunil Won (eunil@hep.korea.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Jaehoon Yu (jaehoonyu@uta.edu)
- Alexander Oh (alexander.oh@cern.ch)
13. Computing and Data Handling
- Amber Boehnlein (amber@jlab.org)
- Doris Y. Kim (dorisykim@ssu.ac.kr) (LOC liaison)
- Liz Sexton Kennedy (sexton@fnal.gov)
14. Education and Outreach
- Hang Bae Kim (hbkim@hanyang.ac.kr ) (LOC liaison)
- Kang Young Lee (kylee.phys@gnu.kr)
15. Diversity and inclusion
- Sahal Yacoob (sahal.yacoob@uct.ac.za)
- Minjung Kweon (minjung.kweon@gmail.com) (LOC liaison)
16. Technology Applications and Industrial Opportunities
- Petra Riedler (Petra.Riedler@cern.ch)
- Inkyu Park (inkyu.park@cern.ch) (LOC liaison)