4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

The Dark Energy Survey: Cosmological results from the first year of observations

7 Jul 2018, 12:00
104 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology


Prof. Ramon Miquel (IFAE Barcelona)


Since 2013, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) has been mapping an entire octant of the sky to unprecedented depth, measuring the position on the sky, redshift and shape of over 200 million galaxies, together with thousands of galaxy clusters and supernovae. With this data set, DES is studying the properties of dark energy using four main probes: galaxy clustering on large scales, weak gravitational lensing, galaxy-cluster abundance, and supernova distances. The data from the first year of observations (DES-Y1), covering about 1500 sq. deg., have recently been analyzed to derive cosmological constraints from each of these four probes, achieving an unprecedented precision in the determination of the cosmological parameters governing the growth of structure in the Universe. The talk will present these results from the DES-Y1 observations, together with the first public DES data release, and will discuss the expected precision after all the survey data will have been analyzed.


Prof. Ramon Miquel (IFAE Barcelona)

Presentation materials