4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

The Role of Environment on Void's galaxy Evolution

6 Jul 2018, 18:30


Poster Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology POSTER


Mr Amirnezam Amiri (KHU & IPM)


The role of environment in galaxies evolution is a highlight knowledge for probing the structure formation and evolution.Because of that, we select two different galaxies categorize for its investigation. In this work, For studying the role of environmental effects on properties of both active galactic nuclei(AGN) and star formation(SFR) galaxies, we have considered two environment subsamples from low (Void) and high (Clusters) density regions with cross matching their details to SDSS DR13. For more precise investigation on the role of environment on Galaxies dynamics, we focus on statistical distribution for Dn4000 and specific star formation rate (sSFR). The results show us that for AGN galaxies, the evolution of these details are related just to Active nuclei and its effect removes all environmental effects. we know that the AGN can be effects on neighbor’s galaxies, but the role of its effects on its self is not clear. We analyzed one of these relations: Accretion mass versus sSFR. Our results show the role of AGN accretion mass ejections on sSFR might be very important on Low mass galaxies evolution.


Mr Amirnezam Amiri (KHU & IPM) Dr Saeed Tavasoli (KHU)

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