4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Recent results on charmed baryons at Belle

7 Jul 2018, 11:15
202 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics


Nikolay Gabyshev (Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics)


We report measurement of the decays of the Ωc0 charmed baryon into hadronic final states and observe excited Ωc charmed baryons in the decay mode Ξc+K- including Ωc(3000) , Ωc(3050), Ωc(3066), and Ωc(3090). In addition, We report the first observation of the Ξc(2930)0 charmed-strange baryon with a significance greater than 5σ in its decay to K-Λc+ in B- →K-Λc+Λc- decays. The branching fractions of the decays Λc+ → Σ +π -π +, Λc+ → Σ0 π+π 0 and Λc+ → Σ +π 0 π 0 are also measured. The analyses are based on a data set recorded by the Belle detector from e+ e- collisions produced by the KEKB collider.


Shohei Nishida (KEK) Nikolay Gabyshev (Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics)

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