4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Higgs mass from high-scale (split) supersymmetry

6 Jul 2018, 18:00
103 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Physics


Dr Jae-hyeon Park (KIAS) Jae-hyeon Park (KIAS QUC)


In the high-scale (split) MSSM, the measured Higgs mass sets an upper bound on the supersymmetric scalar mass scale $\tilde{m}$ around $10^{10}$ ($10^{8}$) GeV, for $\tan\beta$ in the standard range and the central value of the top mass. It is demonstrated that $\tilde{m}$ can be pushed up close to the Planck scale while reproducing a correct Higgs mass due to potentially large negative sbottom/stau threshold corrections to the Higgs quartic coupling. This mechanism applies to the split as well as the high-scale MSSM. Also discussed are the vacuum stability constraints.

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