4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

New Results on the W Boson Production and Multi-lepton Cross Sections with the ATLAS Detector

7 Jul 2018, 09:30
202 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics


Zara Jane Grout (University of London (GB))


We report on the latest measurement on the production of W bosons in association with jets at 8 TeV and compare our results to the latest theoretical predictions. Differential cross sections for events with one or two jets are presented for a range of observables, including jet transverse momenta and rapidities, the scalar sum of transverse momenta of the visible particles in the event, and the transverse momentum of the W boson. For a subset of the observables, the differential cross sections of positively and negatively charged W bosons are measured separately.
Moreover, the exclusive muon pair production measurement at 13 TeV is presented and the results are compared to theoretical predictions. The integrated cross-section is determined within a fiducial acceptance region of the ATLAS detector and differential cross-sections are measured as a function of the dimuon invariant mass.
If available, a study of the W and Z boson production in association with 1 or 2 b-jets will be presented.


Zara Jane Grout (University of London (GB))

Presentation materials