We consider the Standard model extended by fermion and scalar singles.
These singlet can account for the generation of neutrino mass at the
TeV scale and the existence of dark. For the neutrino
sector we consider models with extra singlet fermions which can generate
neutrino mass via the inverse seesaw mechanism whereas
a singlet scalar is introduced as the candidate for dark matter. We show
that although these two sectors are disconnected at low energy, the cou-
pling constants of both the sectors get correlated at high energy scale by
the constraints coming from the perturbativity and stability/metastability
of the electroweak vacuum. In addition, we also discuss a class of U (1) ex-
tensions of the standard model with the minimal inverse seesaw mechanism
for neutrino mass generation. We also discuss possibility of a fermionic dark matter candidate within this framework. We obtain constraints on the
U (1) quantum numbers of the Higgs doublet and the additional scalar from
vacuum stability as well as perturbativity considerations.