CERN, as an intergovernmental organisation with twenty-two Member States mainly from across Europe, operates in a very particular environment. Complying with the necessity to promote the geographical representation of Member States among its 4000 employees and students inevitably engenders talent attraction challenges. As a research performing organisation in high-energy physics and related fields, fostering gender diversity also proves to be rather complex.
To remain an attractive employer, CERN regularly updates its financial and social conditions taking into account the prevailing social trends and expectations from the new generation of internationally mobile scientists. However, taking action at the time of recruitment is not sufficient to efficiently promote diversity amongst personnel: long-term support policies covering the different stages of life are necessary to help individuals shape their life with equal opportunities, while overcoming the difficulties that may arise from their career and life choices.
To that aim, CERN has recently upgraded its employment policies through a review of its measures enabling a better balance between professional and personal life, and developing an inclusive approach of family structures. Rather than working on pure gender equality plans, CERN has invested in work-life balance policies.
The presentation will give an overview of the policies, questioning whether they can help demanding institutions like CERN re-think the work environment and change a normative work culture into a more inclusive one.