4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Democratic neutrino mass matrix from generalized Fridberg-Lee model

7 Jul 2018, 15:15
103 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Neda Razzaghi


We propose a phenomenological model of the Dirac neutrino mass
matrix based on the Fridberg-Lee neutrino mass model at a special
point. In this case, the Fridberg-Lee model reduces to the
Democratic mass matrix with the $S_3$ permutation family symmetry.
The Democratic mass matrix has an experimentally unfavored
degenerate mass spectrum on the base of tribimaximal mixing
matrix. We rescue the model to find a nondegenerate mass spectrum
by adding the breaking mass term as preserving the twisted
Fridberg-Lee symmetry. The tribimaximal mixing matrix can be also
realized. Exact tribimaximal mixing leads to $\theta_{13}=0$.
However, the results from Daya Bay and RENO experiments have
established a nonzero value for $\theta_{13}$. Keeping the leading
behavior of $U$ as tribimaximal, we use Broken Democratic neutrino
mass model. We characterize a perturbation mass matrix which is
responsible for a nonzero $\theta_{13}$ along with CP violation,
besides the solar neutrino mass splitting has been resulted from
it. We consider this work in two stages: In the first stage, we
obtain the perturbation mass matrix with real components which
breaks softly the $\mu-\tau$ symmetry and this leads to a nonzero
value for $\theta_{13}$. In the second stage, we extend the
perturbation mass matrix to a complex symmetric matrix which leads
to CP violation. Therefore obtain a realistic neutrino mixing
matrix with $\theta_{23}=45^\circ$. We obtain the solar mass
splitting, the ordering of the neutrino masses is inverted. Using
only two sets of the experimental data, we can fix all of the
parameters of mass matrix and predict the masses of neutrinos and
phases. These predictions include the following:
$m_{1}\approx(4.82-4.93)10^{-2}eV $,
$|m_2|\approx(4.90-5.01)10^{-2} eV$, $m_3\approx0$ and,
$\phi\approx(0.687^\circ-10.31^\circ)$ as the origin of the
Majorana phases.


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