4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Measurement of azimuthal correlations of D mesons with charged particles in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

6 Jul 2018, 18:30


Poster Posters POSTER


Bharati Naik (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))


The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector at the LHC is designed
to study the properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a deconfined state of
quarks and gluons produced in the ultrarelativistic heavy ions collisions.
Heavy-quarks, charm and beauty, are considered as effective probes for the
investigation of the QGP properties. Due to their large masses they are
produced almost exclusively during the hard-scattering phase and therefore
experience the full evolution of the collision, interacting and losing
energy in the hot and dense medium produced.

The study of angular correlations between D mesons and charged particles in
different collision systems provides information about the possible
medium-induced modification of charm quark fragmentation into jets. The same
study in the pp collision system, beside constituting the natural reference
to understand the results in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions systems, allows
investigating charm quark production mechanisms, fragmentation and

In this poster, the measurement of azimuthal correlations
between D$^0$ meson and charged particles in pp collisions at
$\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV will be presented. The comparison with results obtained
at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV allows investigating the dependence
of the result from the energy of the collision. The data will also be
compared with simulations results obtained with different event generators.


Bharati Naik (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))

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