4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Chinese industries in technology developments related to high energy physics facilities: Introduction to CIPC

6 Jul 2018, 15:00
209 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul


Jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)


Facing to future high energy physics large science projects, CEPC-SppC, CEPC Industrial Promotion Consortium (CIPC) has been etablished in Nov 7, 2018 , with companies working in different key technology domains, such as superconducting cavities, cryo-module, klystron, high field superconducting magnet, civil engineering, etc. Previously, these companies have worked closely with Chinese academic institutions and Universities in ILC collaboration,JUNO, and Jinping Dark matter experiment, European XFEL, LCLSII, FRIB-MSU, and C-ADS, etc.

Primary author

Jie Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)

Presentation materials