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Long-lived particle searches at MoEDAL

25 Jul 2018, 15:10
Room A

Room A


Dr Kazuki Sakurai (University of Warsaw)


We present a study of searching for massive long-lived particles at the MoEDAL detector. MoEDAL is sensitive to highly ionizing avatar such as magnetic monopoles or massive (meta-)stable charged particles and we focus on the latter in this talk. In the ATLAS and CMS analyses for long-lived particles, some conditions are usually required for triggering or reducing the cosmic ray background, whereas those conditions are not necessary at MoEDAL, due to its extremely low background.
On the other hand, MoEDAL requires the particle to have low velocities (e.g., beta < 0.2 for the particles with unit charge), which result in small signal cross-sections. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare MoEDAL vs ATLAS/CMS sensitivities for various long-lived particles in supersymmetric models, and seek for a scenario where MoEDAL is complementary to ATLAS and CMS.

This contribution is based on an upcoming article.

Parallel Session Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results

Primary author

Dr Kazuki Sakurai (University of Warsaw)


Dr Vasiliki Mitsou (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Oscar Manuel Vives Garcia (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Roberto Ruiz De Austri Judita Mamuzic (IFIC Valencia) Arka Santra (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))

Presentation materials