Singlet-Triplet Higgs Portal Dark Matter

25 Jul 2018, 15:30
Room C

Room C


Anastasiia Filimonova (Heidelberg University)


We investigate the phenomenology of fermion dark matter as an admixture of weak singlet and triplet Majorana fields. Our model can be considered as a generalization of the wino-bino scenario in supersymmetry. The dark sector interacts with the Higgs boson through a pseudo-scalar portal, thus mitigating bounds from direct detection experiments. The observed dark matter abundance is obtained from active co-annihilation involving this portal or from pair annihilation through the Higgs resonance during thermal decoupling. This points to a dark sector around the weak scale, which can be probed at high-energy colliders. We explore collider signals with soft leptons and missing energy at the LHC and make predictions for future searches.

Parallel Session Dark Matter, Astroparticle Physics


Anastasiia Filimonova (Heidelberg University) Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University)

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