Search for LFV Higgs and Flavon decays at future colliders

25 Jul 2018, 18:00
Room B

Room B


Prof. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz (FCFM and CIFFU BUAP)


Models with extended Higgs sector predict that the diagonal Higgs couplings to fermions could deviate from the SM predictions, while non-diagonal flavor-violating Higgs couplings could appear too. We describe these possibilities within the context of multi-Higgs doublet models that employ the Froggart-Nielsen mechanism to generate the Yukawa hierarchies. The mixing of the Higgs doublets with the Flavon field induces plenty of interesting signals, including: corrections to the diagonal couplings of the SM-like Higgs, LFV Higgs decay h -> tau mu and the FCNC top decay $t\to c h$. Here we discuss the reach of LHC and VLHC to search for the LFV signals from the flavon decays.

Parallel Session Electroweak, Top and Higgs Physics


Prof. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz (FCFM and CIFFU BUAP)

Presentation materials