Particle Physics with KM3NeT

23 Jul 2018, 15:40
Room C

Room C


Juan de Dios Zornoza Gomez (IFIC)


Neutrino telescopes have a wide scientific scope both for particle physics and astroparticles. The next-generation undersea detector, KM3NeT, is currently under construction on two sites in the Mediterranean: ORCA, a dense detector located close to the French coast –near the location of its predecessor, ANTARES–, and ARCA, a sparse detector located close to the Italian coast. ORCA, with an energy threshold at the GeV scale, is designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering. It will also offer good sensitivity to parameters of neutrino oscillations like theta_23. Other topics related to neutrino properties are the search for tau neutrino appearance –which will allow to test the unitarity of the PMNS matrix–, non-standard neutrino interactions, sterile neutrinos and neutrino decays. In addition to this, another fundamental topic is the search for dark matter, for which neutrino telescopes have particular advantages: they offer a potential smoking gun for searches in the Sun and the best limits worldwide for dark matter annihilation at large masses (from searches in the Galactic Centre). In this talk we will review the potential for particle physics of KM3NeT and the construction status of the project.

Parallel Session Dark Matter, Astroparticle Physics

Primary author

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