Investigating sleptons with smaller mass gaps at the LHC and indirect detection experiments

26 Jul 2018, 18:20
Room A

Room A


Prof. Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&M University (US))


Sparticls with smaller mass gaps are used successfully to understand the correct dark matter content of the universe. In this talk, I will discuss slepton pair-production processes with soft leptons (plus at least one jet) and small missing transverse energyassociated with a mass difference between the lightest neutralino and the lightest slepton (Δm) is ≲60 GeV. We utilize the angular separation of the leptons from each other and from the missing transverse energy, as well as the angular separation between the jet and the missing transverse energy, to distinguish signal from background events. Using our search strategy the LHC will be able to exclude m_{\tilde l}≈200 GeV for Δm≲60 GeV at 1.5−3σ with 1000 fb^{−1} of integrated luminosity. Although we focus on a particular model, the results generalize to a variety of scenarios in which the dark matter and a leptonic partner are nearly degenerate in mass, and especially to scenarios featuring a scalar mediator. I would also investigate thes dark matter scenarios in the indirect detection experiments.

Base on papers: Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.7, 075037, Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) no.5, 055025, to appear.

Parallel Session Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results


Prof. Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&M University (US))

Presentation materials