SUSY searches for electroweak production with compressed mass spectra at ATLAS

Not scheduled
Hotel Catalonia Plaza (Barcelona)

Hotel Catalonia Plaza


Hotel Catalonia Plaza, Plaça Espanya, 6-8
Posters (last call deadline 30th June)


Judita Mamuzic (IFIC Valencia)


Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in scenarios with compressed mass spectra, using the final state with two low-momentum leptons of same flavour and opposite charge, and missing transverse momentum, is presented. Results are interpreted using the R-parity conserving models with small mass difference between the produced particles and the lightest neutralino. Exclusion limits are set on the next-to-lightest neutralino masses for the Higgsino and wino production, and slepton masses for the slepton pair production. In addition, an interpretation in terms of a Radiatively Driven Natural SUSY model, well motivated by low level of electroweak fine tuning, embedded in the Non-Universal Higgs masses model (NUHM2), is shown.

Parallel Session Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results


Judita Mamuzic (IFIC Valencia)

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