Sonja Schreurs, Bram Mast, Katrijn Gijbels, Niels Vandevenne, Luc Lievens, Wouter Schroeyers
UHasselt, CMK, NuTeC, Agoralaan building H, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
The aim of this one year project is to work towards a sustainable collaboration in education and science between European partners from the Educational CHERNE network, Research oriented European NORM Association (ENA) and developing countries participating in the IAEA NORM Environet. The international activities planned in this project will be embedded in an electronic learning environment that can be expanded and optimised based on the experience in the Erasmus + Partnerschip ‘Blended learning in radiation protection and radioecology’ in collaboration with CHERNE network and IAEA Environet.
A good practices training school (26-30 November 2018) is organised to educate bachelor, master and PhD students, regarding the management of NORM related sites, exchanging know-how between partners and promoting the interaction of European students and students from developing countries. The training school aims at demonstrating good practices and mapping and discussing problematic NORM sites all over the world and dealing with cases from Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia… The illustrated cases will be integrated in the electronic learning platform. In addition, teleconference presentations before and during the training school are set up for two reasons: (1) firstly to prepare the participants for the training activities and stimulate the interaction and efficiency of the real mobility and (2) secondly to give also students and teachers from countries that we cannot support the opportunity to attend and interact in a part of the program (primarily the presentations but also in the round tables).
In April 2018, a workshop was organised for the preparation and testing of the electronic learning environment and in May and October 2018 we will invite guest lectures/explore sites that will provide demonstration cases for the electronic learning environment & training school. The results of the organised workshop and lectures are presented on the Cherne workshop together with a preliminary program of the actual training organised in the fall of 2018. For this training, we allow 20 participants where we aim to have a balance between students UHasselt – students from other CHERNE members and students from outside of Europe (IAEA-Environet).