piazza del Municipio, 4 - 28876 Macugnaga (VB)
tel: +39 0324 65037 - e-mail: booking@hotelfloramacugnaga.net
A special price has been contracted for the Workshop:
- 65 €/day half board, single room
- 60 €/day half board per person in a double room
The deadline for hotel reservation is March 31st. After that reservation will be granted upon availability.
PAYMENT: wire transfert to the following bank coordinates:
Bank Name: Intesa Sanpaolo Spa
Bank address: Via Vittorio Emanuele, 1, Pieve Vergonte (VB), ITALY
Beneficiary: Ristorante Albergo Chez Felice
IBAN code: IT 81 V 03069 45604 100000001009
- Account Number: 100000001009
- CIN: V ABI: 03069 CAB: 45604
Causality: "ACCOMODATION FOR CHERNE_2018, check in/check out, Surname OR SURNAMES"
Please send an e-mail to: lasa@mi.infn.it
- with the copy of receipt of payment
- for your reservation
- please let us know your arrival and departure schedule. We will make arrangement for transportation on 29th May from Malpensa Airport to Macugnaga and 1st June from Macugnaga to Malpensa Airport.
A list of different price hotels (**, ***) in the Village is available at Tourist Information Office: