21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Cross-Polarized Wave Generation in a Nonlinear Hyperbolic Metamaterial

21 May 2018, 17:45
Ayutthaya Room

Ayutthaya Room

Poster Optics, Non-linear optics, Laser Physics, Ultrafast Phenomena A03: Optics and Photonics (Poster)


Dr Surawut Wicharn (Srinakharinwirot University) Nareephorn Reangchan (Srinakharinwirot University)


A generation of cross-polarized wave (XPW) in nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterials (NHMM), which are composed of periodic arrangement of gold (Au) and barium difluoride (BaF2) layers with subwavelength thickness for exhibiting anisotropy of permittivity and third-order nonlinearity, has been investigated numerically. This cubic nonlinear effect is described by degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) of three linearly polarized fields and one produced field, which has linear polarization in orthogonal direction. By managing the fill-factor value of the NHMM, the nearly phase-matched condition based on quasi-birefringent phase-matching (QBPM) technique are achieved implicitly. We found that the conversion efficiencies of XPW generation as a function of incident angle at various pumping intensities are maximized at optimal incident angle.

Primary author

Dr Surawut Wicharn (Srinakharinwirot University)


Dr Prathan Buranasiri (King Mongkute's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang) Dr Suwan Plaipichit (Srinakharinwirot University) Nareephorn Reangchan (Srinakharinwirot University)

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