22–27 Jul 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Exposing Dark Sector with Future Z-Factories

23 Jul 2018, 16:50


Talk Particle Physics Searches 1.6 Theory


Xiaoping Wang (Argonne National Lab)


We investigate the prospects of searching dark sector models via exotic Z-boson decay at future e+e− colliders with Giga Z and Tera Z options. Four general categories of dark sector models: Higgs portal dark matter, vector portal dark matter, inelastic dark matter and axion- like particles, are considered. Focusing on channels motivated by the dark sector models, we carry out a model independent study of the sensitivities of Z-factories in probing exotic decays. The limits on branching ratios of the exotic Z decay are typically O(10^−6−10^−8.5) for the Giga Z and O(10^−7.5 −10^−11) for the Tera Z, and they are compared with the projection for the high luminosity LHC. We demonstrate that future Z-factories can provide its unique and leading sensitivity, and highlight the complementarity with other experiments, including the indirect and direct dark matter search limits, and the existing collider limits. Future Z factories will play a leading role to uncover the hidden sector of the universe in the future.


Jia Liu (University of Chicago) LianTao Wang (University of Chicago) Wei Xue (CERN) Xiaoping Wang (Argonne National Lab)

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